
Search Results for "peer review"

Buchi Okereafor
28 September 2023
4 mins

The theme for this year's Peer Review Week is "Peer Review and the Future of Publishing". We speak with Denisse Albornoz, Science Policy adviser in the ¸Û°Äͼ¿â’s Data team, about the policies that will likely evolve as AI technology continues to advance and its impact on scholarly publishing becomes more pronounced.

Buchi Okereafor
28 September 2023
3 mins

Matt Hodgkinson, Research Integrity Manager at the UK Research Integrity Office, gives us an overview on how AI tools are shaping the future of publishing, and how reviewers, authors and publishers can adapt to thrive in this changing landscape.

Andrew Dunn
19 September 2023
5 mins

The focus for this year's Peer Review Week is 'Peer Review and the Future of Publishing'. In this blog post, Senior Publishing Editor, Andrew Dunn, reflects on some of the less traditional and more forward-looking models of publication and peer review that we support.

Curious characters

history of science
Anne McLaughlin
20 July 2023
6 mins

Anne McLaughlin finds wine experts, amateur magicians, chess masters and ichthyologists among the authors of scientific papers submitted to the ¸Û°Äͼ¿â.

Publishing Editorial Team
16 April 2023
5 mins

Launched in 1665, Philosophical Transactions is the longest-running scientific journal in the world. Since then, a lot has changed in scientific publishing, but the ¸Û°Äͼ¿â still strives to maintain integrity and trust in the research it publishes. The ¸Û°Äͼ¿â Publishing Editorial team explains how.

Phil Hurst
26 March 2023
1 mins

In our commitment to support peer review, we're highlighting the different ways that we reward and recognise the vital contributions that our reviewers make to the publishing process.

Buchi Okereafor
12 December 2022
2 mins

To help recognise the vital contribution our reviewers make to the publishing process and to lower barriers to open access publication, Open Biology has introduced a reward scheme based on open access discounts starting January 2023.

Professor Sarah Brosnan
28 June 2022
4 mins

Proceedings B senior editor Professor Sarah Brosnan shares editorial experience and tips for helpful peer reviewing.

Phil Hurst
22 March 2022
1 mins

Reviewing the work of colleagues has always been a vital part of an academic career. But how can you get involved in journal peer review when you are just starting your career?